Google and NASA run classical supercomputer versus quantum chip races |

Date 9th, Nov 2018
Source NextBigFuture - Scientific News Websites


Google and NASA have an agreement to compare Google 72-qubit quantum Bristlecone chip and possibly near-term follow-up quantum chips against regular supercomputers. Alibaba had a recent paper which indicates quantum simulations on classical computers can be more competitive against quantum chips. The largest quantum system that could be classically simulated one decade ago was a 42-qubit one on the Jülich supercomputer by the Massively Parallel Quantum Computer Simulator. Early in 2018, Alibaba believes they simulated 81 qubits on a classical cloud system. There is ongoing massive improvement in the classical algorithms for simulating quantum system on regular computers. Arxiv – The post Google and NASA run classical supercomputer versus quantum chip races appeared first on